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The white marble mausoleum is believed by many to be the best representation  of muslim art in India. The Taj Mahal  was  built around 1630, an order from muslim emperor Shah Jahan, to honor the memory of his beloved late wife. 


The great wall of china is most recognizable symbol of china and it is long and vivid history. The great wall of china actually consist of numerous walls and fortifications, many running parallel to each other.Originally conceived by emperor Qin Shi Huang (c.259-210 BC) in the third century B.C as a means of preventing incursions from barbarian nomads into the chinese  Empire, The wall is most extensive projects ever completed.



The petra is carved out of solid rock, hidden by towering pillars of stone and accessible only by narrow gorges carved through cliffs. Even the city name means rock, petra,the rockwas once thriving center of trade. It was eventually abandoned  and rediscovered in modern times.


Machu  Picchu , which means " old settlement", is located halfway  up the  Andes Plateau -in the amazon jungle and above the Urubamba rivar. Originally a 15 th century Incan settlement, the magnificent city was "lost" for three centuries, then rediscovered in 1911.


The 124-foot statue of jesus standsatop the corcovado mountain overlooking Rio de Janeiro, built in 1931, it took 5 years to construct and symbolizes warmth and welcoming spirit of the brazil people. 


Chichen Itza ance served as the political and economical center of mayan civilization. The city houses masterpieces like temple of chac mool , the hall of thousands pillers, the playing field of prisoners and the pyramid of kukulkan, which was the last mayan temple.


Almost every sports stadium today is created based on the design of colosseum , built between 70-82 A.D. located in the center of Rome, the amphitheater could seat up to 50,000 spectators who wached public spectacles like the infamous gladiator fights.



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