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Various Steps in Buying Process

Before discussing the buying process, it is important to recognize that various buying situations will have an influence on this process. First of all, consumers are likely to display various  levels of commitment, depending on the nature of the purchase. It has been suggested that there are three such levels.                     1. Extended problem solving In this situation,such as the decision to take a long-haul holiday, the consumer is likely to have a deep level of commitment, to make a detailed search for information, and to make an extensive comparison of the alternatives.           2. Limited problem solving In this situation, the consumer will have some degree of knowledge or experience already, but many factors will be taken for granted and the information search will be far more limited. A Second holiday at a favorite skiing destination maybe purchased in this way.     3. Habit...

Corporate Governance

With the growing space of the indian economy and increase in the complexity of business operations, the forms of corporate organisations keep on changing. The thinking of corporate toward shareholders/stock holders have also been changed and now they are trying to fullfill the expectations of stakeholders. Corporate governance is the mechanism by which the values,principles. policies and procedures of a company are inculcated and manifested. Corporate governance is the method by which the aforesaid objectives are achieved. The common corporate goal was '' Prosperity to all ''. According to narration given in Rigveda,''Corporate should work goal as Honybee, which takes the nectar of a flower  without the losing its shape and fragrance and work provided honey for the well being society. ➤  DEFINITION OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE  In a narrow sense, corporate governance involves a set of relationship among the company's management, its board of directors, shar...

Explain the scope,need and benefit of market segmentation

Market was defined as the place or areas in which buyers and sellers functions. Marketing is a exchange process. The products are matched with markets.A marketers and products are the twin factors on which all marketing process are based nothing happen in our economy, unless and until some body sales nothing. Hence selling is very essential and for selling markets is essential. Market is the aggregate demands for the potential buyers of commodity or services.                        The process of subdividing market is called as market segmentation.The term segmentation is the use to sub-divide the market or customers of the product in order to capture more sale effectively and efficiently. Even for product line having a similar needs of different need of market segments.     "Market segmentation is the subdividing of a market into distinct subsets of customers, he any subset may conceivably be selected as a market t...

What is mean by research

The very common meaning of research is ''a search for knowledge". Research is an art of scientific investigation. It is a movement forms the known to the unknown. Curiosity is an essential natural feeling of every human being. Whenever the unknown fact confronts us, we try to find  the meaning and causes of that fact. This feeling of human being is the mother of all knowledge and the method which he employs for obtains the knowledge of whatever the unknown, is called as research. Thus, research is a voyage of discovery. It is s scientific and systematic search for pertinent information a on a specific topic. It is an organized enquiry. If clarifies doubtful facts.It corrects the misconceived facts or ideas. It seeks to find explanations to unexplained phenomenon. In facts, research is an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making for its advancement. It is the pursuit of truth with help of study, observation,comparison and experiment. In short, resear...

Public Administration

Public administration is a system through which the government carries out its business of ruling and controlling effectively. Maintaining public administration  is the first foremost responsibility of any government. The aim of educating people in public administration is to train them in democratic values such as equality, justice, security, effectiveness and order. It also prepares such human resources who can critically analyze and review public policies of the government. These public administration are enabled to bear the responsibility of determining the policies and programmes of the government like planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling of government operation. Because of the specific training in public administration, execution and direction .      Branches of public administration are below. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The function of human resource management is to equip the employees with the capabilities to manage rec...