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Business Ethics

1. DEFINITION OF BUSINESS ETHICS   1. Business ethics are those principles, policies or philosophies that are concerned with moral judgment and good conduct as they are applicable to a business situation. 2. Business ethics refers to right or wrong behaviour in business decisions. 3. Business ethics involves morally accepted behaviour in business practices. 2. MEANING OF BUSINESS ETHICS Business ethics refer to a code which businessman are expected to follow while dealing with others. The coverage of business ethics is very wide as it deals with norms relating to customers, shareholder, employees, dealers, government and competitors. These are, in fact, the different areas of business ethics. 3. FEATURES Of BUSINESS ETHICS • Business ethics is the code of conduct which businessmen should follow while conducting their normal business activities. • Business ethics has universal application. • It is a relative term. It changes from one business to another. It differs from c...

Strategic Management

Decision making is the most important functions of any manager. Strategic decision making is the prominent task of the senior management. Both kinds of decision making are essentially the same. The difference is in the level at which they operate. Strategy decision making is a responsibility of the senior management. This is very important for the management department.                                              DEFINITION OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMEN T : "Strategic management is the formulation and implementation of plans and carrying to the matters which are of vital pervasive or continuing important to the total organisation"                                                                        ...

Satpuda Tribal Life

Tribal communities have been residing in India since the past and even in the present existence there are tribal groups throughout the country. They are spread out mainly across the state of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madya Pradesh. Bhil is the 3rd largest tribe in India. Bhil Tribal mainly lives in Satpuda and Vindhya,The Mountains range in the western region of Madhya Pradesh extend beyond the vision. Mountains embracing each other, layer after situated on the Great Gangatic Plain. Tribal groups are the people that are normally isolated and dwell in forests and hilly areas, the educational levels are low amongst them and they are engaged in various kinds of jobs such as selling products, some migrate to the other regions to work as agricultural laborers and so forth. Effect of globalization on tribals, tribes and the outside world, education of the tribal groups and nutrition programming for tribal children. These areas provide the information that how tribals lead their dai...

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Various Steps in Buying Process

Before discussing the buying process, it is important to recognize that various buying situations will have an influence on this process. First of all, consumers are likely to display various  levels of commitment, depending on the nature of the purchase. It has been suggested that there are three such levels.                     1. Extended problem solving In this situation,such as the decision to take a long-haul holiday, the consumer is likely to have a deep level of commitment, to make a detailed search for information, and to make an extensive comparison of the alternatives.           2. Limited problem solving In this situation, the consumer will have some degree of knowledge or experience already, but many factors will be taken for granted and the information search will be far more limited. A Second holiday at a favorite skiing destination maybe purchased in this way.     3. Habit...

Corporate Governance

With the growing space of the indian economy and increase in the complexity of business operations, the forms of corporate organisations keep on changing. The thinking of corporate toward shareholders/stock holders have also been changed and now they are trying to fullfill the expectations of stakeholders. Corporate governance is the mechanism by which the values,principles. policies and procedures of a company are inculcated and manifested. Corporate governance is the method by which the aforesaid objectives are achieved. The common corporate goal was '' Prosperity to all ''. According to narration given in Rigveda,''Corporate should work goal as Honybee, which takes the nectar of a flower  without the losing its shape and fragrance and work provided honey for the well being society. ➤  DEFINITION OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE  In a narrow sense, corporate governance involves a set of relationship among the company's management, its board of directors, shar...